enroll now!

The death of your child leaves you confused, and overcome with grief. Are you asking: “Will this pain ever get better?” “Will I ever laugh again?” “How do I survive without my child?" I faced those same questions that you face today. There is a path to peace that leads to life with hope after child loss.

You're Going to Make It Friend

Learning to apply the content and tactical tools in The Grief Roadmap will give you the confidence you need to survive. It will open your eyes to a path you didn't feel was possible, that leads to living your life after loss with hope and purpose.

Yes! I Need This!

Imagine if you could:

Hebrews 6:19

See a way forward despite the overwhelm and disruption to your everyday life that’s keeping you stuck? Integrate grief into your life in a way that lets you honor your memoires and stop dreading the future? Reframe your thoughts and release the lies that are threatening to destroy your life? Have a mentor that's been there that will walk you through the difficult places of child loss to restore hope that will give the confidence to live despite what has been taken from you?

“His Hope Is A Strong and Trustworthy Anchor For Your Soul”

You Don't Have to Do This Alone

Inside our time together these are the steps we will cover

Here you will learn how to use the material to tie it all together to create a roadmap for your journey.

Module 6

WHere Do I Go From Here

He could have, but He didn't. You will learn where God is in your grief, how to use prayers of lament to express your heart to God while discovering your true identity in Christ. I will teach you the power of using Gods’ word in prayer and how to use this space that has been thrust upon you to grow in ways you could have never imagined.

Module 5

Where Is God In My Grief

Learning trigger management and how to plan for special days and holidays will remove the overwhelm associated with these difficult days and provide a way for you stop dreading those dates on the calendar.

Module 2

Managing Triggers, Special Days and Holidays

By teaching you how to be your own best advocate you will learn the key to restoring peace in the chaos and the need for boundaries while grieving, personally and in your relationships.

Module 1

Boundaries in Grief-How To Be Your Own Best Advocate-

By evaluating your view of life and death, you will learn what’s holding you back from celebrating the one you love and seeing them in your future.

Module 3

Honoring Memories and Living in the Moment

I'm ready!

By teaching you how to break down a thought step by step you will learn how your thoughts lead to beliefs and actions that can negatively affect your grief journey. I will teach how to renew your mind with the word of God that will aid you developing a mindset that will lead to freedom.

Module 4

Managing Thoughts

Join Me in THis Life changing Small Group Experience-so you can gain the knowledge and tools you need to survive the death of your child and learn to live again.

Focusing On What You Can Control Leads To Restoring Balance to your Life

Right now life is anything but balanced. The pain of your grief is overwhelming and life through that lens can feel hopeless. The truth is friend the only thing that you can control after your child dies is how you respond to it. And that means taking a step of faith and courage and saying yes to what God has shown you to be the right step for you. I'm here waiting for you, to teach you what God has taught me, for such a time as this. Are you ready?

I'm ready

The Grief Roadmap is a 12 Week Course In A Small Group Setting

12 weeks of mentoring in a small group setting

+ over 100 pages of workbook


x 3 months

payment plan


new price at
check out
*limited time only*

pay in full

9 hours of video content

Best Value

This is perfect!

Yes I Need this

Take a step of courage today and start your journey of healing with the help you need to learn to live with confidence in an uncertain world when life doesn't make sense.

Each module has its own video and corresponding workbook pages with specific tactical tools that you need to navigate your life after child loss. We will meet as a small group weekly, where you will receive Live Coaching and support from me, your grief mentor, as you navigate the content and learn to apply it to your life.


Teresa is brilliant in creating a warm and peaceful atmosphere.  you not only have a chance to manage your grief in the best way for you but doing it together in a supportive community who is always there and prays for you adds so much value to it. I encourage every mother who experiences child loss to join it.

The grief roadmap is definitely worth the time
and money spent!

Jennifer McGimsey

No one is born prepared to experience child loss. The Grief Roadmap gives you invaluable tools to help navigate this new reality. Tools that will be effective far beyond the length of the course. 

"It isn't a question of 'whether you should?'... it is 'How Could you Not?"

Becky Smith

Teresa will give you tools, ways & resources to navigate this
nightmare that none of us want to be in. 

Please Do it for yourself!

Joanne Rogers

The grief roadmap was just what I needed.

 Teresa did a great job in the videos and group time.
I highly recommend it!

Lisa Goins

The Grief Roadmap has literally changed my life! Teresa walked me through so many aspects of grief and gave me all the tools I need to face each one. The videos were full of wisdom, and the workbook pages made me think even deeper.  Then, to be able to come together and actually meet the other moms in the small group and hear each other’s stories and spend valuable time learning even more from Teresa on the weekly Zoom meetings was absolutely my favorite part. I could see and feel such a difference in us all, from who we were when we started to the more confident, and equipped moms we were at the end. As I once heard a very wise woman say (Teresa), God can do more with your "yes" than you could ever hope or imagine...so say YES to the Grief Roadmap! You will never be the same.

PLEASE say yes! It is life changing!

Angeliki Verropoulou

 first of all it’s a community where you can share, Teresa gives guidelines
combined with truth and honesty to make you feel as If your are home.

Terea makes you feel as if your are home.

Rachel Kushner

Teresa helped me to stand up for myself during the intense feelings of grief.

Yes, yes, yes! I would recommend the grief roadmap. 
 What teresa is  offering the world needs.

Jennifer Martin

Teresa has helped me move forward in my grief journey.

I would highly recommenced "The Grief Roadmap" to any grieving Mom. This course  has given me tools to help me grieve in an healthy manner. It has helped me to move forward in my grief journey with Jesus bringing back Hope to my life.

Rebecca Salazar

so Thankful that Teresa is following the Lord’s guidance. 

 the Grief roadmap should be publicized and offered globally so moms can immediately get connected. The next weeks and months after your child’s death are a whirlwind. We need guidance to just breathe and survive because we are paralyzed and overwhelmed and debilitated. Every thought is on your loss and we need to be validated that this is normal. You must feel it, process it, but renew your mind, and speak truth from His word to your thoughts so that you won’t continue punishing yourself. Have boundaries, prepare yourself for ambushes and ground yourself. Most important lean on God, grow in His word and He will carry you through the spiritual battle. You learn all this through Teresa and her willingness to lead and teach and guide you. 

have figured out a plan to live your life and hope abounds

have the tools you need to manage your grief

don’t want support to navigate your grief journey

boundaries are set and you are walking in freedom

this is NOT for you if you...

i want this!

are exhausted and need to learn how to be your own advocate

long for peace in the chaos of grief

are overwhelmed by your child’s death and you don’t know where to start

want to discern truth from lies

this is for you if you...

want to manage your grief so it doesn’t manage you

want to live your life with a renewed sense of hope

can hear God’s voice and you are not confused about your grief

would rather figure it out on your own

This was November 10th, 2018. Andrew was killed on November 30th, 2018.

"We spent the day raking leaves, talking about good food, politics and how much we loved our family."

Hi, I’m Teresa Davis, a grieving mom

 what it’s like to be in a pit of despair, where your thoughts threaten to destroy you and life feels uncertain and unbalanced because the foundation you've built your life upon is crumbling into a million pieces. Thats why I’m here to help you, I don’t want ANYONE to walk this road alone. 

I’m here to help you build your life back and manage your grief,one step at a time, because friend, that’s all you can do when your grieving is take the next step. Learning to navigate life after the death of your child is not easy, but it is possible. And I'm here to show how to do it. Two is stonger than one and a cord of three strands is not easliy broken.

The Holy Spirit has brought you here for such a time as this. Make the choice today to yes to what he has in store for you inside these next 12 weeks. You will be so glad you did. 

Andrew was a corporate pilot flying to Chicago with the President and Vice President on board. The plane went down 4 minutes after take off on Friday morning at 11:34 am. It wasn't until Sunday that we received offical word that Andrew didnt survive. The only communication we received came from the news and the coroner. Hour after hour we watched and listenned to everything we heard holding out hope that somehow Andrew survived. The police called the day of the accident and told my husband there were no survivors, but I just couldn't believe it. There was no proof of his death and that left a mark on my soul that proved nearly impossilbe to overome. Processing my grief was my lifeline and within that process emerged the will to live. Out of the ashes came purpose and a desire to help YOU! I needed someone to show me how to live with this awful pain, how to navigate my life and have hope for my future. It was the darkest time of my life and I know

I Need This

The hardest thing I've had to face in my years here on this earth is the death of my son. I never thought I would survive such indescribable pain. It was the longest weekend of my life.

Ephesians 3:20 NIV

"God can do immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us."


How will I know this will work for me?

What is a 12 Week Small group Course?

We will spend 12 consectutive weeks working through the content of the course. Once a week we will meet via Zoom to discuss the topic of the module and that weeks homework. This is where you will receive the mentoring you need to be successful and apply what you are learning to your life.

I have been helping grieving mothers process grief since 2021. The tools and methods of the course came from my personal journey of grief along with the hearts and minds of grieving moms of all types of child loss. Each topic of grief inside the course, I've encountered in one on one sessions that repeatedly show the need for further discovery and growth. Your time in this course will give you the tools you need to process what has happended to you and the ability to see a path forward in your grief. If your unsure if this is for you, listen to the podcast and attend The Grief Mentor Monthly Support Group.

What if I miss one of the small group sessions?

How Do I Access the course?

Once you have enrolled, you will have instant access to the course through a student platform called Thrive. You will set up a student account with a sign on user name and password. It's that simple. Once your inside you will see a Welcome Page that will give you all the details you need to navigate the course content. The schedule for the weekly small group sessions will be under the Start Here Video.

All of our sessions will be recorded so if you miss a session you will be able to watch the replay, which will be accessible only inside the course under the tab replays.

Is faith part of your mentorship?

What are your qualifications?

I’m a licensed medical professional: a practicing RN with 42 years experience, however I do not hold a professional license for counseling, I am not a counselor, I am a mentor. My expertise is with those that grieve, by teaching, guiding, providing support and feedback I give you tools to successfully navigate your grief journey to live with hope after the death of your child.

Yes, my faith is my anchor and I’ve spent my adult life mentoring women in God’s word, but the eyes of grief brought new meaning to familiar passages and it is through God’s word that I reached a place where I could live again. It is the foundation of my mentorship.

How have you prepared yourself to mentor others who are grieving, besides being a grieving mother yourself?

My compassion to help others has been a long life pursuit. Together with my nursing education and personal experience of the death of my son, I’ve pursured knowledge in regards to death and dying and the emotional, spiritual and physical impact it has on us as human beings.
I, along with my husband, volunteer in the role of cofacilitators for WWW, a retreat ministry for bereaved parents that has over 20 locations across the US.

I have participated as well as facilitated break out sessions for Grief Share.
I authored my own personal journey of grief in the devotion book “Finding Hope and Healing in The Midst of Grief,” and co authored three additional devotion books, “Think About,” “Fruit Full,” and “We Get You,” (Published June 2023 by Redemption Press).

I have had the oppotunity to participate in womens event where I spoke to the hearts of those whose lives did not turn out like they expected. 

Additional training and education: “Christian Communicators Conference July 2022.” "Strategies to Help Clients Process Grief and Loss" NICABM 2024.

Currently, I’m enrolled in a 12 month Mastermind training program that is eqpuipping me with the skills I need to provide you with what you need. 

I’ve had the priviledge to be featured on podcasts such as WWW with Jill Sullivan, Friends Of A Feather with Wrenn Robbins, Glorytellers with Emily Burke and Beth Ann Hubert and The Crappy Chrisitan Podcast with A Girl Named Blake, The Empty Chair Project with Greg Buffkin, and The Journey of Life, Love, and Lessons" with Carla and Jim Keibler.   

My most recent publication: “Navigating Life After Loss” was released in the form of an article for “Today’s Transition Magazine,” Jan 2024. It is with humility and honor that I was asked to participate in a documentary Titiled "Surviving Child Loss-Clinging To God Through The Unthinkable" Date TBA. I consider myself a life long learner, soaking in what God puts before me so that I can run my race well and teach as many as I can to do the same.

Still have questions?

Contact Teresa AT teresa@thegriefmentor.com


 The cart for the 12 week small group experience has closed for this session and will reopen august 2025. 

Join me for a one on one experience and let's get you equipped with what you need to process your grief.

Join the wait list now to save your seat for the next session here

I want the 1:1