Welcome to
The Grief Mentor

with Teresa Davis

Speaking Topics

But she came anyway

John 20: 1-18

No one understood what Jesus was trying to tell them. They were confused and hung onto every word and couldn’t imagine their life without him, especially Mary Magdalene. When life doesn’t turn out like we expect what do we do? Where do we go? How do we survive? This talk meets Mary at the tomb, broken hearted and weary with grief. At the tomb is where we learn what to do when darkness hides His face. This talk encourages believers to seek, seek and keep seeking with their whole heart because that’s when Jesus reveals Himself. 

God Is Always Working Behind The Scenes

Acts 9: 3-19

When we tell bible stories we often focus on the great heroes of the faith. This talk focus’s on a behind the scenes player that barely gets recognized. It illustrates how God orchestrates behind the scenes. We know that God’s eyes roam the earth to see who will be a faithful servant. He found one in Ananias. Before God told Ananias what to do He had already given Saul/Paul the vision. Ananias did it scared, but he did it. This talk will encourage believers to have faith that God is continually working toward our good and to be that faithful servant that God can count on and say Yes to God.

On The Other Side of The Trust

Ruth 1-4

No one has a crystal ball. Life is full of tough choices and heartaches. The story of Naomi and Ruth is not just a love story, It’s a story of heartbreak and desperation. Two women traveling alone not knowing what was ahead, full of sorrow without a way to support themselves. This talk addresses bitterness and how God can turn a story of heartbreak into a story of joy. It encourages trusting the Almighty even when we don’t know what’s on the other side of the trust. 

When holidays don’t look the same

1Kings 19: 1-18

Holidays can bring joy and they can bring sadness. This talk focuses on how to survive when the world is celebrating with traditions and family when traditions and family is not the same for us. When we’re facing the holidays perhaps for the first time without someone we love or our family life has been disrupted for reasons beyond our control. How do we mange to navigate a season that last from November to January? We will take a trip through Elijahs ups and downs, and focus on how and where God met him out of His great faithfulness. This talks encourages believers to remember God’s faithfulness in our past and to look forward to God’s faithfulness in our future. 

Unexpected disappointments

Genesis-Joseph’s Story

The great tapestry God is weaving together with our lives is not seen from the position of looking forward. It is more often seen from the rear view mirror. When we plan our life God may intervene in a way we never saw coming to bring about His eternal purpose. In this talk we will take a journey through the life of Joseph who through many trials came to a position to be used of God in a mighty way. Although it probably didn’t feel that way when he was sold chained and pulled behind a slave trader wagon to Egypt. This talk encourages perseverance under trail. 

In the waiting


Have you ever prayed and asked “God! Where are you and why aren’t you answering my prayers?” This talk takes us to the story of Job. Job lamented for 38 chapters, while his friends blamed him for his circumstances. Where was God in Job’s lament? In the waiting our faith is tested. What happens in the waiting is key to moving forward in our circumstances. It’s when the Holy Spirit, If we allow Him, will mold and teach us through our obedience. God finally answered in chapter 39. This talk informs the listener that God is in the waiting but obedience brings the answers. 

turn the light on

Acts 16:25-40

The Philippian Jailer was ready to take his life until someone turned the light on. Paul and Silas had turned their prison cell into a worship service. Unknown to the Jailer none of the prisoners left despite the opportunity. This talk exposes the lie that there is no way of escape. Despair lives in the dark but Hope lives in the light. How do we turn the light on? Just like Paul and Silas we praise and worship our God despite the circumstance. This talk gives hope to the hopeless by revealing that God does his best work when we think it’s impossible.



Revelation 19: 11-14, Ephesioans 6-10-20

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the name of rider on the white horse is Faithful and True in this passage. The enemy fears this day so much that He will do anything to convince us that God is not faithful and that He is a liar. The truth is our God is faithful and True and all of heavens armies is on our side. And that’s exactly what the enemy doesn’t want you to know. In this talk I will teach what the armor of God is and how to use it and give the three steps necessary to become a spiritual warrior and win the battle.

Christian Communicators Conference July 2022 

The God I knew would have never let my son die. I was angry, confused and questioned everything I had ever been taught and believed. This took me on a journey of discovering who God really is through His word. He revealed himself to me in a way I had never experienced before. He held me close and taught be great unsearchable things I didn’t know, and He will do the same for anyone who seeks Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

Dallas Texas

Speaking Opportunities

Teresa Davis is available for events and speaking engagements. Click on the button below to book a speaking engagement with Teresa, or contact her here to speak with her about available options, dates, and topics.


I loved every single minute of this women’s conference and it was such an honor to be amongst so many amazing women. You are such an amazing speaker and I thank you for sharing your story. -Tracy Jones Womens Event Tiffin Ohio

Using her own journey with Jesus through a terrible season, Teresa points her listeners back to the truth of scripture and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Teresa is a gentle reminder that we do not walk alone through our pain. She reminds us that we are continually guided and called by our Shepherd to keep walking out our faith by the work of the Spirit within us. -Katie Mason, Speaker, Author, Founder Four Paths Spiritual Direction Womens EventTiffin Ohio

"Teresa will reach through the darkness, take hold of your trembling hand, and whisper, “You’re not alone, dear one.” Teresa leads the broken hearted to Jesus. She will help you find the way home.-Heather Adam, Author/Bible Study Facilitator Womens EventBorden Indiana

"Your testimony was very encouraging, as I have two friends who lost sons suddenly. Thank you for sharing your heart.-Sheryl Neiling Womens Event Tiffin Ohio

Teresa Davis points the hearts of her audience to hope in Jesus through deep vulnerability and insightful Bible teaching. Teresa was a Featured Speaker at Sisters Forward Gathering. I highly recommend her to encourage at any event.

—Cassia Elder, Author, Speaker, and Founder of Sisters Forward

Womens Event 

Tiffin Ohio

Teresa has allowed the Lord to use her unbelievable pain for His glory. She applies the lessons she has learned in ways that can help us all not only in our darkest hours, but as we walk out our faith every day. Teresa’s message of walking in hope with Jesus encourages us all and I highly recommend her for your event.

Sandi Baete, Author and Speaker, Founder of Kaleidoscope Remnant

Womens Event

Borden IN

Learn More about teresa Davis

Author, Speaker, Podcaster who has a heart for the broken hearted, Teresa considers herself a temporary traveler in a broken world.  She writes, “As long as I draw breath I will strive to bring glory to his name. Heaven is more real to me than ever before, because one of my children lives there.” 

Her messages inspire hope and help people move forward toward healing when life doesn’t turn out like we expect.

She is an encourager by design and has helped many on their journey toward healing. Teresa is as a practicing RN, a wife of 40 years, mother of two children, and Nana to five grand babies. Teresa and her family live in southern Indiana just across the river from Louisville Kentucky-home of the Kentucky Derby.